Recette De Risotto Au Gorgonzola Aux Poires Et Oignons
Impressionnez avec cet incroyable risotto au gorgonzola accompagné de poires et d'oignons à base d'ingrédients spéciaux gomme de xanthane et poudre de glucose.
Impressionnez avec cet incroyable risotto au gorgonzola accompagné de poires et d'oignons à base d'ingrédients spéciaux gomme de xanthane et poudre de glucose.
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Molecular Gastronomy
Molecular Gastronomy Main
Chef Roberto Revel
10 minuti
20 minuti
Impress with this incredible Gorgonzola Risotto accompanied by Pears And Onions made using Special Ingredients Xanthan Gum And Glucose Powder.
1kg Vialone Nano Rice
20cl White Wine
4L Vegetable Broth
250g Fresh Cream
250g Sweet Gorgonzola
10g Salt
3 Onions
200ml Pear Juice
100ml water
4g Special Ingredients Xanthan Gum
2 Pears
50g Special Ingredients Glucose Powder
59g Butter
Handful of Cornflakes
Toast the risotto in the butter, deglaze with the white wine and slowly add the vegetable stock until cooked
Melt the cream with gorgonzola and salt and blend it all.
Let the finely chopped onions caramelize with a little oil and salt and deglaze with the pear juice.
Blend and add the water and Xanthan Gum. Cut 2 pears into cubes and lightly caramelize them in butter and Glucose Powder.
Cook the rice.
Stir in the gorgonzola sauce and caramelized pears and decorate with the onion and pear sauce.
At the end add cornflakes.
À €100,00 de la livraison gratuite!