Apple Mojito Meringue using Easy Whip
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
Mit diesem Rezept bereiten Sie mit Ultratex und Pectinex köstliche, köstliche Schokoladenschalen mit Orangenpüree und enzymgeschälten Orangensegmenten zu.
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Molecular Gastronomy
Molecular Gastronomy Desserts
120 minutes
10 minutes
With this recipe you will make delicious mouth watering Chocolate Shells with Orange Puree and Enzyme Peeled Orange Segments using Ultratex & Pectinex.
Special Ingredients
300g Orange Juice
50g Sugar
10g Special Ingredients Citric Acid
15g Special Ingredients Ultratex
800g Water
16g Special Ingredients Pectinex
Peeled Orange Segments
500g Chocolate
Special Ingredients Chocolate Coated Crackle Crystals
Metallic Edible Spray
Balloons (blown up)
Combine all Orange Puree ingredients and blend well
Combine the water and pectinex
Place Orange Segments into the mixture and leave at room temperature for two hours
The Enzyme will remove the membrane leaving you with perfectly peeled orange segments
Melt chocolate
Dip half of the balloon into chocolate
Sprinkle with Special Ingredients Chocolate Coated Crackle Crystals
Allow chocolate to set.
Pop balloon and remove.
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
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