Apple Mojito Meringue using Easy Whip
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
Beeindrucken Sie Ihre Kunden oder Gäste mit diesem besonderen, exquisiten Dessertrezept, das von den weltweit führenden Molekularköchen demonstriert wurde.
Rated 5.0 stars by 1 users
Molecular Gastronomy
Molecular Gastronomy Dessert
20 minutes
10 minutes
Impress your customers or guests with this special exquisite desert as demonstrated by the worlds most leading molecular chefs.
Author:Special Ingredients
400g Coconut Milk
200g Caster Sugar
1.5g Salt
3g Special Ingredients Carrageenan Kappa
1.8g Special Ingredients Carrageenan Iota
Special Ingredients Cream Whipper
Food Blender
Mix all the ingredients together in a pan and bring to a simmer whilst whisking.
Simmer the mixture for 3 minutes then pour the liquid out into a container to set.
Once set blend the Coconut Gel to a smooth, silky puree.
Place the puree in a cream whipper and charge with nitrous oxide.
Dispense the finished mousse from the whipper when ready to serve.
We served this with cherry puree, dark chocolate and freeze dried cherry.
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
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