Apple Mojito Meringue using Easy Whip
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
Ein starker Martini aus Wodka, Espresso und Kaffeelikör. Ein köstliches Getränk mit einem kräftigen Schuss Alkohol und Koffein. Abgerundet wird diese Variante mit einem leicht gesüßten Milchschaum.
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Molecular Gastronomy
Molecular Gastronomy Cocktails
15 minutes
0 minutes
A strong vodka, espresso, and coffee liqueur martini. A delicious drink with a strong kick of alcohol and caffeine. This version is finished with a light sweetened milk froth.
Eddie Shepherd
50ml Vodka
35ml Coffee Liqueur
25ml Espresso
100ml Whole Milk
50g Caster Sugar
1.5g Special Ingredients Lecithin Powder
Pour all the Cocktail ingredients into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake well to chill the drink.
Strain the drink into a chilled martini glass.
Combine all the Sweetened Milk Foam ingredients and blend well.
Now angle the head of a stick blender so that it is partially submerged in the liquid and blend to produce a light airy foam.
When ready to serve spoon this light foam off the top
of the liquid, add to the top of the Martini and serve.
Create a delicious Apple Mojito Meringue to serve as a refreshing palate cleanser before dessert.
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